
Petra Mrša:
Publisher: MMSU Rijeka
For the publisher: Slaven Tolj
Co-publishers: Art radionica Lazareti, Galerija Kranjčar Zagreb, MKC Split
Editor: Petra Mrša, Nataša Šuković, Slaven Tolj
Text authors: Petra Mrša, Nataša Šuković
Translation: Lidija Toman
Proofreading and editing: Gordana Ožbolt
Graphic design: Jan Pavlović
Paper: Heaven 42, 135 g
Print: Kerschoffset, Zagreb
Print run: 300 copies
113 pages, Croatian and English
Price: 23 €‎ , free postage in Croatia
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-953-6501-99-1
The project Rehearsing Family of the artist and photographer Petra Mrša started in 2014 with experimentation and is mainly preoccupied with the way well-established intimate relationships within one's own family can change. If knowledge, as has been explained by M. Foucault and J. Butler, can be questioned by direct experience, then knowledge about oneself and others in an intimate relationship could be questioned through activities that are different from all previous common experiences that generated the existing system of knowledge. Wishing to analyse the potential of such a direct experience, the artist decided to bring the community in which she has established the most deeply-rooted relationships – her nuclear family – into a new situation and ask each family member to suggest an activity to do together for the first time.